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April 11-12, 2025 | Virtual Conference

8th International Virtual Conference on Cancer Science & Oncology

Submit Abstract
About Cancer Virtual Conference 2025

On behalf of organizing committee of Cancer  Virtual Conference 2025, we are honoured and pleased to welcome you all at “8th International Virtual  Conference on Cancer Science & Oncology” which is scheduled on April 11-12, 2025 as a Virtual Conference, with a theme “Innovative research strategies in Cancer Science & Oncology”. This conference focuses on bringing together Chemo therapists and cancer research professionals from various countries to discuss their ideas and views for the better progress of the entire healthcare community to improve the cancer research.

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Conference Session & Tracks

Important Information


The panel session include keynote presentations, plenary speaker talks, Workshops, Poster Session, Video Presentation session and Young Research Forum (YRF). Speakers can participate as an Oral, Poster, and Video presentation as per their convenience, while Students and Young Researchers can participate under the Young Research Forum (YRF). All the presentation will be live. 05-10 minutes will be given for Q/A session after the each presentation.

You can book your early presentation slot by submitting your abstract online: Abstract Submission

Speaker Benefits | Cancer Virtual Conference 2025 | April 11-12, 2025

  • Access to all Tracks & Sessions Online
  • Book of Abstracts
  • E-Virtual Conference Kit
  • E-Certificate of Presentation by International Organizing Committee (IOCM)
  • Opportunity to Chair/Co-chair a session of your interest
  • Creation of one web page for each participants
  • Visibility of your profile across world

Target audience:

Professors, Scientists, Young Researchers, Students, Directors, Vice President, Oncology Researchers, Industry specialists, Scholars in the field of Oncology, Hematology, Surgery, Nursing, Radiology, Pediatrics, Advocacy, Cancer Researchers, Cancer research Faculty, Medical Colleges, Radiologists, Chemo therapists, Pathologists, Business Entrepreneurs and Healthcare Industries

Why to Attend

Cancer Virtual Conference 2025 is an opportunity to showcase your recent research, innovation and brand to gain competitive advantages and benefits within the scientific community and this conference also provides an opportunity to meet your target audience and explore your product and services across the globe.

  • To Meet Experts in the scientific community
  • Learning new approaches and guidance
  • New concepts and ideas for research
  • Certification by IOCM (International Organizing Committee Member)
  • Brand Establishment
  • Global Networking with Experts and Industries
  • Showcase your latest research through oral or poster presentation
  • Connect with top industry experts at the Conference
  • Share your knowledge to enhance the growth of your field
  • Gain Recognition & earn a reputation
  • Rebuild New Customer Base

We welcome all interested members to join the Cancer Virtual Conference 2025 | April 11-12, 2025 and share your research work and ideas with a global audience.

With Kind Regards
Annie Mathew, Program Manager
Cancer Virtual Conference 2025

Renowned Speakers

 Dr. Datis Kalali

Dr. Datis Kalali

University of Cyprus, Cyprus
 Dr. Xiumei Huang

Dr. Xiumei Huang

Indiana University School of Medicine USA
 Dr.Matteo Santucci

Dr.Matteo Santucci

University of Verona, Italy
 Dr.Edwin Roger Parra

Dr.Edwin Roger Parra

MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
 Dr.Jankiben Patel,

Dr.Jankiben Patel,

Florida A&M University, USA
 Dr.Panuzzo Cristina

Dr.Panuzzo Cristina

University of Turin, Italy
 Dr. Percy Guzman

Dr. Percy Guzman

National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA
 Dr. Rickinder S. Grewal

Dr. Rickinder S. Grewal

University of Rochester School of Medicine, US
 Dr. Patrycja Czerwińska

Dr. Patrycja Czerwińska

Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
 Dr. Michael Retskyn>

Dr. Michael Retskyn>

University College London, UK
 Dr.Vrishank Saini

Dr.Vrishank Saini

Princeton University New Jersey, USA
 Dr.Irfan Dar

Dr.Irfan Dar

Department of Biotechnology, Jamia Millia, India
 Dr.Michail Ponizovskiy

Dr.Michail Ponizovskiy

Kiev regional p/n hospital, Ukraine
 Dr.Asmaa Abdella

Dr.Asmaa Abdella

University of Sadat City, Egypt.
 Dr.Lakshmipathi Vadlakonda

Dr.Lakshmipathi Vadlakonda

Kakatiya University, Waranga University India
 Dr.Tatiana Yanova

Dr.Tatiana Yanova

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center
 Dr.Sergey Suchkov

Dr.Sergey Suchkov

The Russian University of Medicine, Moscow, Russia
 Dr.Van Branteghem Cindy

Dr.Van Branteghem Cindy

Université libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium
 Dr.Nada Khaled Sedky

Dr.Nada Khaled Sedky

University of Hertfordshire Hosted by Global Academic Foundation, Egypt
 Dr.Neelam Thakur

Dr.Neelam Thakur

Sardar Patel University Himachal Pradesh, India
 Dr. Gábor Somlyai

Dr. Gábor Somlyai

HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development, Hungary
 Dr.Juliann G. Kiang

Dr.Juliann G. Kiang

University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, U.S.A.
 Dr. Laura Statescu

Dr. Laura Statescu

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Romania
 Dr.Louisa CE Windus

Dr.Louisa CE Windus

University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
 Dr.Manuela Andrea Hoffmann

Dr.Manuela Andrea Hoffmann

Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
 Dr. Terry Lichtor

Dr. Terry Lichtor

Rush University Medical Center Chicago, United States
 Dr. Xiangyi Lin

Dr. Xiangyi Lin

Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen China
 Dr. Vitor Alves Marques

Dr. Vitor Alves Marques

Federal University of Goias, Brazil
 Dr. André P. Sousa

Dr. André P. Sousa

Hospital Fernando Pessoa, Gondomar, Portugal
 Dr. Fusun Terzioglu

Dr. Fusun Terzioglu

Health and Technology University, İzmit, Turkiye
 Dr. Julee Kim

Dr. Julee Kim

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
 Dr. Frederick H. Silver

Dr. Frederick H. Silver

Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine, RWJMS, Rutgers University, USA
 Dr. Denise da Silveira Lobo

Dr. Denise da Silveira Lobo

Instituto Estadual do Cérebro Paulo Niemeyer (IECPN), Brazil
 Dr. Wioletta Wujcicka

Dr. Wioletta Wujcicka

Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital-Research Institute, Poland
 Dr. Magda Carvajal-Moreno

Dr. Magda Carvajal-Moreno

Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Alcaldía de Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, México
 Dr. Tadashi Hongyo

Dr. Tadashi Hongyo

Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan
 Dr. Toshiko Kato

Dr. Toshiko Kato

Independent researcher, Japan
 Dr. Hui-zhong Jiang

Dr. Hui-zhong Jiang

Beijing University of Chinses Medicine, China
 Dr. Dylan Gracias

Dr. Dylan Gracias

Bendigo Health, VIC, Australia
  Dr. Meser M. Ali

Dr. Meser M. Ali

Henry Ford Hospital Michigan, USA

Delight Scientific Conferences is a pioneer, scientific event organizer offer an excellent global platform for young researchers, students, scientists, professors, industries professionals, delegates, academicians and other affiliated people of scientific community to share their research work, ideas and view in that particular field.


Delight Scientific Conferences provides an opportunity for leading researchers, doctors, professors, academicians, scientists, medical practitioners, nurses and various industry professionals from all over the world to build network with experts, recognizing their performances with awards and have scientific discussion on the recent research work in the scientific community.

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